picture of or shahar-münch

I'm Or,
a web and brand designer

and I would like
to work in
your company

Two mobile phones showing the upward facing dog website

Upward facing dog-
Yoga for mantel health

Bilingual web design

Postcards in different languages for the little garden project

Little garden-
Coffee like in Italy

Print design

Three computers showing the kopftuchmaedchen website

Muslim women power
go viral

Web design and development

Two tote bags that show the upward-facing dog branding. One carrying the text "Depression Sucks, yoga helps" and the other one "This too shall pass"

Upward facing dog-
Yoga for mantel health


Three computers showing the little garden café website

Little garden-
Coffee like in Italy

Web design

Two metallic water bottles showing the kopftuchmaedchen branding

Muslim women power
go viral

Brand upgrade

to the right

What's my story?

Born in Israel in 1985
Majored in art in high-school
Drop out of art college
Traveled to New Zealand and India and crossed all of Israel by foot
Studied and practiced Buddhism in India
Moved to Berlin in 2012
Started a career as a yoga teacher
Moved to Bonn and started a new career as a designer

I believe that...

Everything is figureoutable

There is no challenge we can not solve with enough patience, wisdom, and perseverance. (This is also a great book by Marie Forleo)

is better

We are working on this project as one team with the same goal- your success. (This is also a great book by Simon Sinek.)

Honesty is
the best policy

Telling half-truths in order to sell is a marketing strategy I don't believe in.
I will never encourage you to use it, and I will always keep our relationship clean.

I can do...

Web Design
(ideally in Figma)

Web Development
(ideally in Webflow or WordPress)

Brand Design
(complete visual identities)

Print Design
(postcards, packages and more)

Social Media Design
(planning and executing)

Search Engine Optimization
(with expertise in local SEO)

So let's talk and get started

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me
through me@or-shahar-muench.com

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